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The Africa Ubuntu Fellowship program, through a close cooperation between Seohyun Foundation and Africa Insight, dispatches fellow activists to African countries, initially starting in Uganda. For the local sites in need of human resources, the fellowship program trains and dispatches personnel with expertise, knowledge, and a balanced perspective for sustainable international cooperation and visionary works.

Impeccable Networking Capacity

Dispatching appropriate personnel in an adequate location could yield an impactful synergy effect. The Africa Ubuntu Fellowship conducts a demands survey on the sites in need of human resources by incorporating a local network. Through site visits and in-depth interviews, we analyze the accurate current situation. Additionally, a baseline survey is conducted to help match the supply and demand at the optimal level.

Systemized Training

Africa consists of countries and regions that vary significantly from one another. For the past five years, Africa Insight has been providing educational programs, which teach about these differences, featuring experts in many different sectors related to Africa. Using our organization's experiences and human resource pool, we have provided the highest quality training regarding African topics. We will continue to offer this same training for the AUF. The training will include opportunities to listen and learn from Africans living in Korea, who are also members of the Africa Insight Forum.

Mutually Beneficial Activities

After participants are dispatched to the sites, the local adjustment training is provided by a regional coordinator. From housing to communication, the program encompasses all domains that lead to a successful life overseas. Through a monthly meeting and video conference, we make sure each individual is safe and sound. In case of contingency, our SOS system and local network will take immediate measures to ensure safety and well-being.

Fellowship Network

Upon returning, the welcome-back ceremony will take place. The participant will obtain a membership to the Africa Ubuntu Fellowship Alumni and can participate in future Africa-related events. As a senior mentor, one can provide lectures and seminars to the next generation of the fellowship program. Career building opportunities for Africa regional experts are also provided.

  • Pre-departure: Training, Preparation fees

  • On-site: Adaptation Training, Activity Cost, Living allowances (including housing fees), insurance (Overseas Comprehensive Insurance, International SOS, Medical Evacuation)

  • Return: Transition Adjustment Fee, Post-activity programs

  • Uncovered: Round-trip Airfares (Through Funding)

Networking Partner: Africa Insight

Africa Insight is a civil society organization established in 2013, by youth activists with a passion for Africa. Our organization aims to create a world in which Koreans and Africans are mutually benefitted through international cooperation, advocacy, and raised awareness.


Vision : For everyone to live and grow together with Africa in a world where everyone is respected, free, and self-centered.

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